Thursday, November 15, 2007

Neighbor Profile

Windsor's loss is Brantford's gain as Alex Denonville, a new addition to Laurier Brantford's journalism program, arrives on campus. Alex plans to follow his courses through the print concentration of the program making good on his passion for writing, a passion that wasn't adequately satisfied during his previous career at the University of Windsor.

Breifly, Alex attended the social criminology program at the University of Windsor until transferring to Laurier's satellite campus in Brantford and a program, he decided, that better suited the direction in which he was taking his life. His transfer means an extended University career, a concept, he says, that isn't at all attractive. To combat this, Alex plans to take an increased number of distance education courses as well as perhaps looking to pick up a few extra credits over the summer time.

While living in Windsor, Alex filled his time working at the local Athlete's World where he sold shoes to throngs of customers. To keep in shape Alex runs whenever he gets the chance, however, when their isn't time to boost his endorphins, Alex makes a point of keeping up with his favourite soccer team, France, and logging on to the immensely popular "Facebook". Finally, he's also proud to note that as far as students are concerned, he's a pretty good cook.

Travelling is another one of Alex's passions, in his twenty years of life he has visited Scotland, Ireland, and both of Canada's ocean coasts. However, in the future he plans to hit Chile, China, and Thailand, although not necessarily in the that order.

As far as other forms of entertainment are concerned, Alex is proud to be a fan of many different types of music excluding what he notes as a style that should be used as cruel and unusual punishment, country and western. As far as TV and Hollywood are concerned, Alex follows neither celebrities nor television programs religiously and he doesn't plan on making a point of doing so. His tastes in film, however, are a completely different matter. Alex is a die hard fan of all zombie movies as well as a number of the cult-followed comedies of our day. Including the teen megahit "Superbad" as well as the Brit-favourite "Hot Fuzz".

As a young Canadian, Alex Denonville is well rounded and intently focused on his goals and aspirations. He is carefully and meticulously cutting out his niche in his present society in Brantford, as well as with regards to his plans for the future.

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